Event: Foil
Current Residence: Queens, N.Y.
Education: B.Sc. Academy of Physical Education, Katowice, Poland
Occupation: Physical Therapist
Club: Fencers Club
Coach: Mikhail Petin
Family: Wife Kasia and two sons Jan and Luke
Hobbies: Music (jazz and rock), travel, books, learning, Buddhist philosophy and psychology
How He Started Fencing: His friend invited him to the club when he was 13
Number of Years Fencing: 37
Who Influenced His Fencing Career: Jacek Burian, who inspired him and practically played the role of his father when he was growing up
Current U.S. Ranking: No. 1 (Veteran 50-59 Foil)

Veteran World Championship Teams: 2020, 2019 (Silver - Team, Bronze - Individual), 2018