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Health and Safety Updates for Regional and Local Events

06/25/2021, 12:00pm CDT
By Nicole Jomantas

(Colorado Springs, Colo.) – Athletes, tournament organizers, club owners, coaches and division officers are advised of the following updates regarding health and safety protocols for all USA Fencing sanctioned tournaments for the remainder of the 2020-21 season:


Warnings and penalties will no longer be issued for competitors who scream during the bout unless the fencer is in violation of another rule, such as refusal to obey the referee, anti-sporting behavior, offense against sportsmanship, etc. 

Mask Mandate

As announced in October 2020, all participants in USA Fencing events, including coaches, athletes, spectators and staff, MUST wear a face mask that covers mouth and nose at all times, including competition. 

The USA Fencing National Office, Tournament Committee and Sports Medicine Staff will revisit this policy in the coming weeks with an update to be issued prior to the start of the 2021-22 season. 

Event Capping

Regional and local event organizers will be allowed to cap the size of their tournaments as local COVID-19 conditions dictate for the remainder of the 2021-22 season. Any regional tournament wishing to cap entries must submit venue information and local conditions to the National Office for review. Local tournament organizers can contact the National Office if they need assistance by emailing

View the Maximum Event Size Guidelines for more information.

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