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An Important Message for Referees

10/30/2013, 3:15pm CDT

The Fencing Officials Commission needs your assistance. USA Fencing requires the FOC to maintain an up-to-date list of all Referee Ratings. This cannot be done without your help.

Here is the relevant part of USA Fencing's Operations Manual:

Ratings of any referee will be lowered automatically one level if the referee has not been a referee at the rated level for a period of two years. After two more years of not officiating at the rated level, the referee will lose the referee rating and the referee’s name will be removed from the FOC list of referees. 

The list of all Referee Ratings can be located at Please take a look at your ratings. The FOC understands that there may be errors in the list, and the FOC wants to be very sure these records are correct before any rating shown is changed or removed.

When checking your ratings, please also make sure that your contact information, Division, etc. are all correct. If you have a mobile telephone, please include that number as well.

Please e-mail if you feel the information on the website is incorrect:. If it is incorrect, to what should it be changed? Please give a detailed explanation as to why any rating should be changed. Remember, we want to get this right.

Please understand that if you do not respond to this message, it will be assumed that your information is correct.

Be aware that your ratings may have to be changed to take into account the fact that a referee has not worked at their rating for 2 or more years. Changes will take place the first week of January 2014.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

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