Updates2023 Pan Am Games

Thu Nov 02 2023 Doddo Triumphs in Men’s Saber, Extending Team USA’s Gold Streak at Pan Am Games


by Bryan Wendell

With gold in Men’s Saber at the 2023 Pan American Games, Andrew Doddo continues a tradition of champions.
(Photo by USA Fencing)

SANTIAGO, Chile — When you’re mentioned alongside legends of American men’s saber like Peter Westbrook, Steve Mormando, Ivan Lee, Eli Dershwitz and Daryl Homer, you know you’re doing something right.

On Wednesday at the 2023 Pan American Games, Andrew Doddo (New Jersey Fencing Alliance) did everything right, winning Team USA its fourth fencing gold of the 2023 Pan Am Games (alongside Lee Kiefer, Nick Itkin and Magda Skarbonkiewicz).

Doddo’s victory stretches the winning streak to three Pan Am Games:

  • 2023: Andrew Doddo
  • 2019: Daryl Homer
  • 2015: Eli Dershwitz

And other Team USA Pan Am Games champions include Westbrook, Mormando, Lee and many more.

“I actually knew about that legacy before competing today,” Doddo says. “So it did add some pressure. But I’m excited to be on that list of names. I’m sure I’m gonna get a call from Eli soon. Excited for that.”

Doddo’s win holds added weight because it came in front of a decidedly pro-Venezuela crowd. The crowd cheered loudly after every touch scored by his finals opponent, Eliecer Jose Romero Parra. But under the lights of the podium strip, Doddo says he didn’t hear a thing.

“I didn't even know there was a crowd — I was so blacked out in the bout,” Doddo says. “It was me and [Coach] Aleks [Ochocki] against the world. I’m not someone that thrives off of the crowd. I’m just so focused.”

And with the last bout of the day completed, what was Doddo’s plan next?

“I’m ready to go get worked on by [USA Fencing Director of Sport Medicine Dr.] Peggy [Chin],” he says, “and then take a long nap.”

Strong in Men’s Saber

Andrew Doddo’s win extends the incredible run for Team USA’s Men’s Saber team. And on Wednesday, Filip Dolegiewicz (Midwest Fencing Club) was impressive as well, finishing ninth and ready for the team event on Saturday.

Team USA now boasts the:

  • 2023 Cadet World Champion (Will Morrill)
  • 2023 Junior World Champion (Colin Heathcock)
  • 2023 Senior World Champion (Eli Dershwitz)
  • 2023 Vet-60 World Champion (Mark Lundborg)
  • 2023 Vet-70 World Champion (Joseph Streb)
  • 2023 Pan American Games Champion (Andrew Doddo)

Doddo sees this success as a sign of great things to come for USA Fencing — and not just in Men’s Saber. 

“We have a lot of coaches from Europe, but for a while, it seemed like we couldn't compete with them,” Doddo says. “Now we're killing it, and I'm so happy.”

Men's Saber at the Pan American Games

1951: Gold: Tibor Nyilas; Silver: George Worth

1955: Silver: George Worth; Bronze: Rex Dyer

1959: Gold: Allan Kwartler; Silver: Walter Farber

1963: Gold: Michael D'Asaro Sr.; Silver: Walter Farber; Bronze: Chaba Pallaghy

1967: Gold: Anthony Keane

1971: Gold: Alex Orban

1975: Bronze: Peter Westbrook

1979: Silver: Peter Westbrook

1983: Gold: Peter Westbrook

1987: Silver: Peter Westbrook

1991: Gold: Steve Mormando

1995: Gold: Peter Westbrook

1999: Silver: Akhnaten Spencer-El

2003: Gold: Ivan Lee; Bronze: Jason Rogers

2007: Silver: James Williams

2011: Silver: Tim Morehouse

2015: Gold: Eli Dershwitz

2019: Gold: Daryl Homer

2023: Gold: Andrew Doddo

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