Join the USA Fencing Community Passover Event During the April 2025 NAC
by Nicole Kirk
The middle two days of this coming season’s April NAC (April 11-14) coincide with the first two nights, the traditional Seder nights, of Passover. This has not happened before and it was unavoidable this year due to issues with venue availability and conflicting events in the month of April.
In an attempt to support those affected, a team of volunteers and USA Fencing have come together to make various resources available including a mixer event on Sunday April 13 in Glendale (for security reasons, the exact location will be shared later) from 7-10 pm. "Kosher-style" vegetarian food will be served, included in the ticket price of $50. Assistance with carpool coordination will be provided.
All are welcome and events are not exclusive to any particular definition of "Jewish." - and indeed are open to all even if you have no initial connection with the Jewish faith.
Additionally we are looking to match guests and hosts for traditional Seders. If you are interested in attending a traditional Seder at someone's home while attending the NAC, please fill out this form. We are also looking for folks with room to host extra guests at their home Seders - the form is the same.
If you are not sure what your plans look like yet, and would like to receive more information at a later time fill out this form.