Due to the disruption to normal fencing lessons and practices caused by COVID-19, USA Fencing has been in frequent contact with our insurance providers concerning the availability of coverage for online training offered by member clubs and coaches. Today, our insurers advised of their following updated position: Until such time as in-person practices can resume, our general liability coverage will extend to online lessons, classes and other training sessions. Accordingly, USA Fencing is now sanctioning such activities, effective immediately, April 20, 2020.
Please note that all virtual training/coaching/instruction/meetings must be conducted under the same terms, conditions and rules applicable to in-person training. Among other things, clubs, coaches and participants must all have appropriate levels of USA Fencing membership. Those offering the online sessions must supervise the participants. All interactions involving minors remain subject to requirements of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP). Some helpful recommendations from the U.S. Center for SafeSport regarding digital communications can be found here.
As announced during the club and division calls last week, USA Fencing will be discussing possible re-entry scenarios for other sanctioned activities at the April 29, 2020 USA Fencing Board of Directors meeting.
We know that our clubs are facing many challenges and are hopeful that the online sanctioning will assist during these uncertain times. We will provide further updates as circumstances evolve.
Tag(s): Updates